

Kelle Groom's "Tideland," published in New England Review, was selected as a Notable Essay in The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2024, edited by Bill McKibben.

Kelle Groom will be teaching an intensive, one-week workshop, Obsession, Memory, & Image: a Memoir Workshop, for 24PearlStreet/ Fine Arts Work Center, October 7 to October 11, 2024: 24PearlStreet Workshop Catalog - FINE ARTS WORK CENTER in Provincetown (

Kelle Groom will be reading with Airea Matthews, Emily Nemens, and Nova Ren Suma for 24PearlStreet/Fine Arts Work Center's Wilder Words, October 3, 2024, 6 PM: Wilder Words Fall 2024 - FINE ARTS WORK CENTER in Provincetown (

Kelle Groom published 4 poems in American Poetry Review, September/October 2024:"Alice Rings Up the Afterlife," "Alice & the Dead Girl," "Alice in the Delta," and "Alice Goes Skinny Dipping."

Kelle Groom's poems, "Lives of the Saints," "A Language I Don’t Know," and "The Language of Angels," in december, Vol. 35.2, Fall 2024.

Kelle Groom's essay, "Island" was featured in Virginia Quarterly Review, Summer 2024, Issue 100, # 1, and as a #VQRTrueStory, a social-media experiment in nonfiction that delivers stories across platforms—from Instagram to the website to the magazine. Island | VQR (

Kelle Groom's story, "Lullaby," appeared in The Pinch Journal Online, August 2024.

Kelle Groom's story, "Bartending School," appeared in Midway Journal, Vol 18, Issue #3, July 2024.

Kelle Groom's story, "Life on Another Planet, appeared in Tupelo Quarterly, June 2024

Kelle Groom’s short story, "Floaters," will appear in CRAFT Literary: exploring the art of prose, August 2024:

Kelle Groom’s poems, "Babylonian Almanac" and "Queen of the Prairie," will appear in the Summer 2024 issue of -ette review: -ette review

Kelle Groom’s flash essay, "Murder City," will appear in Cincinnati Review, May 2024: The Cincinnati Review

Kelle Groom’s poems, "Undine Rising from the Waters" and "Lyonia" will appear in Pangyrus, May 2024: Pangyrus | Stories Connect Here

Kelle Groom’s essay, "Recipe for Disaster," will appear in Bending Genres, Issue #38, April 2024: Bending Genres | An Innovative Online Journal

Kelle Groom’s poem, "The Strangers Were Poets," reprinted with audio recording, SWWIM, March 19, 2024:

Kelle Groom’s flash essay, "Murder City," will appear in Cincinnati Review, May 2024: The Cincinnati Review

Kelle Groom’s essay, "Recipe for Disaster," will appear Bending Genres, Issue #38, April 2024: Bending Genres | An Innovative Online Journal

Kelle Groom served as a Judge for Penn State Creative Writing Program, Academy of American Poets Steinberg Memorial Prize, 2024.

Kelle Groom’s flash essay, "November 10, 2013," will be included in "Past Ten Anthology," Cornerstone Press, 2024.

Kelle Groom received a 2023 Pushcart Prize Nomination for "Tideland," originally published in New England Review.

Kelle Groom received a 2023 Pushcart Prize Nomination for "Types of Inflorescence," originally published in Another Chicago Magazine:Two poems by Kelle Groom – Another Chicago Magazine

Kelle Groom received a 2023 Pushcart Prize Nomination for "Second Language, originally published in How to Live: A Memoir in Essays.

Kelle Groom received a 2023 Best Spiritual Literature Nomination for "Eastern View of Yarmouth 1840," originally published in Ilanot Review: Eastern View of Yarmouth 1840 - Ilanot Review

Kelle Groom’s flash essay, "November 10, 2013," appeared in Past Ten, November 2023: November 10th, 2013 - Kelle Groom (

Kelle Groom’s flash fiction piece, "Hurricane World" appeared in New World Writing Quarterly in January 2024: Kelle Groom ~Hurricane World - New World Writing Quarterly

Kelle Groom’s poem, "Fever," will appear in The Shore, 20th Anniversary Issue, Winter 2023.

Kelle Groom’s poem "Eastern View of Yarmouth 1840" was published in the Fall 2023 "Parents" issue of The Ilanot Review, and nominated for the Best Spiritual Literature anthology.

Kelle Groom published two poems in Another Chicago Magazine, "Types of Inflorescence," and Southeast Corner," September 2023.

Kelle Groom’s essay, "Mother," appeared in About Place (theme: The More Than Human World) Fall 2023.

Kelle Groom published three micro-stories, "Are You of This World," "Every Animal," and "I Wonder About the Difference Between," in New World Writing Quarterly, January 2023.

Two poems by Kelle Groom will appear in Plume Poetry Journal in September 2023: "Turn it Up" and "More Nights Than Days."

Four poems by Kelle Groom will appear in Gargoyle Magazine Online #6 in September 2023: "Letter to Kelly Cherry," "Rules for Total Annihilation," "Poem with Bumper Sticker," and "department of transportation."

Kelle Groom’s newest book, How to Live: A Memoir-in-Essays, will be published by Tupelo Press, October 1, 2023.

Kelle Groom’s poem, "Little Stars," is forthcoming in American Poetry Review, 2023.

Kelle Groom’s essay, "My Shipwreck," will appear in Provincetown Arts Magazine (annual) July 2023.

Kelle Groom’s essay, "Tideland," appears in New England Review, Vol. 44, #1, March 2023.

Kelle Groom’s poem, "Maps of the Stars," appears in Witness Magazine’s, "The Poet’s Playlist Special Issue," Spring 2023.

Kelle Groom’s poems, "Sinkhole Sonnet" and "People with Bridges on Them," appear in Diode Poetry Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, March 2023.

Kelle Groom’s essay, "Interstate," in Another Chicago Magazine, Named Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2022 by ed. Alexander Chee.

Kelle Groom’s essay, "Emerald City," appears in Hunger Mountain Review, #27, Spring 2023.

Kelle Groom joins the staff of AGNI Magazine as a nonfiction editor, 2022.

Kelle Groom’s lyric essay, "Postcards of the Night Sky," appears in AGNI, Spring 2022.

Kelle Groom’s essay, "You Grow in a Meadow," appears in Provincetown Arts Magazine, Summer 2022.

Kelle Groom received a 2023 Best Microfiction nomination for her story, "Veils on the Sun," originally published in Monkeybicycle.

Kelle Groom received a 2022 Best Short Fictions nomination for her story, "I Could Kill You If I Wanted To," originally published in Five South.

Kelle Groom’s essay, "Star Tables," in River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative, Named Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2021 by ed. Kathryn Shultz.

Kelle Groom's story, "An Emergency," is forthcoming in Nelle, Spring 2022.

Kelle Groom's poem, "Coat" (originally published in Luckily, Anhinga Press, 2006) will appear in Treelines: an anthology of 21st century American poems, Grayson Books, 2022.

Three poems, "angeli," "Another Life," and "Adoration" from Kelle Groom's poetry manuscript, Far Land, will appear in New Letters, Volume 87, No. 3, Summer 2021.

Kelle Groom's poem, "blessed are the dead that the rain rains on," appears in Cutbank, Issue 95, Summer 2021.

Kelle Groom's poems, "Twelve Wings," and "Mother of the Holy Hope," appear in Plume, March 2021: Twelve Wings & Mother of the Holy Hope - Plume (

Kelle Groom awarded 2020 Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellowship in Creative Nonfiction: Check out Kelle Groom's work on @masscultural's gallery! (

Kelle Groom's poem, "The Sea is Also a Horse," appears in Salamander, Issue 25.2, June 2020.

Kelle Groom's poem, "Peniaphobia," appears in POETRY, May 2020.

Kelle Groom's poem, "The Table of Perfect," appears in Catamaran, Summer 2020.

Kelle Groom's poem, "Mary Rohan's Mother," appears in The Cortland Review, Issue #84, February 2020.

Kelle Groom's story, "The Alligator Lady," appears in Iron Horse Literary Review, Fall 2020.

Kelle Groom's essay, "When I'm Dead I'll Learn to Travel," appears in Bennington Review, Issue #8: Fame & Obscurity, Fall 2020.

Kelle Groom's essay, "You Can't Drink the Water," appears in Orion, Summer 2020.

Kelle Groom's essay, "The Year Without Summer," appears in Provincetown Arts Magazine (reprint), July 2020.

Kelle Groom's essay, "Star Tables," appears in River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative, Issue 21.2, Spring 2020.

Kelle Groom receives Special Mention in 2021 Pushcart Prize XLV Best of the Small Presses for "The Year Without Summer," 2020.

Kelle Groom featured on cover of American Poetry Review with "When Wendy Asked What We Dream," (20-page sequence of 16 poems) American Poetry Review, July/August 2019. A selection is available here: American Poetry Review – Poems (

Kelle Groom receives Pushcart Prize nomination for "The Year Without Summer," About Place Journal, 2019.

Kelle Groom receives Best of the Web Series nomination for "River of Grass," Cincinnati Review.

Kelle Groom's essay, "Call Yourself Alive," from her new memoir-in-essays manuscript, HOW TO LIVE, appears in AGNI, Issue #89 in April 2019.

Kelle Groom's essay, "The Year Without Summer," appears in About Place Journal: Dignity as an Endangered Species in the 21st Century, Black Earth Institute, May 2019.

Kelle Groom's essay, "When I'm Dead I'll Learn to Travel" is forthcoming in Bennington Review.

Kelle Groom's poem, "When Wendy Asked What We Dream," (20-page sequence of 16 poems) is forthcoming in American Poetry Review.

Kelle Groom's poem, "Useful Everyday Phrases," is forthcoming in The Southeast Review.

Kelle Groom's poem, "Year One," appears in Cagibi, July 2019.

Kelle Groom's poems, "Abandon," and "The Woven Child" appear in The Spectacle, Spring 2019.

Kelle Groom's poem, "Hatches Harbor," appears in About Place Journal: Dignity as an Endangered Species in the 21st Century, Black Earth Institute, May 2019.

Kelle Groom's short story "A Beginner's Guide to Hieroglyphs," appeared in genre2, Spring 2019:

Kelle Groom's poems, "Salem, May" and "Rape Kit" appear in Indianapolis Review, Spring 2019.

Kelle Groom's poems, "Pier" and "The Strangers Were Poets" appeared in SWWIM (Supporting Women Writers in Miami), Winter 2018.

Kelle Groom's poems, "Natalie Said" and "River of Grass" reprinted in Pangyrus, Resistance Issue, Fall 2018.

Kelle Groom has been awarded a residency at Civitella Ranieri Foundation in Umbria:

Kelle Groom's essay, "Call Yourself Alive" is forthcoming in AGNI

Kelle Groom's poem, "River of Grass," reprinted in Pangyrus, Resistance Issue (originally published Cincinnati Review)

Kelle Groom's poem, "River of Grass," featured in Cincinnati Review:

Kelle Groom's essay, "Live Music," published in Punctuate: A Nonfiction Magazine:

Kelle Groom is the Poetry Editor for the 2018 issue of Provincetown Arts Magazine (available in July)

Kelle Groom writes about a day in March in Provincetown for How We Spend Our Days, a series on the lives of writers (April 2018):

Kelle Groom's poem, "Natalie Said" appears on What Rough Beast, a poem a day series exploring and responding to our nation's political reality (March 2018):

Kelle Groom's fourth poetry collection, SPILL, will be published by Anhinga Press in October 2017

Provincetown Arts Magazine interviewed Kelle Groom for the 2017 annual issue (available in July).

Kelle Groom's poem, "Burden," appears in the May/June 2017 issue of American Poetry Review.

Kelle Groom's short story, "The Night Hospital" appears in PANK Magazine, Issue 12.1, Fall/Winter 2016:
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Kelle Groom's short story, "25 Reasons to Attend the Gala," appears on Map Literary: A Journal of Contemporary Writing and Art, Fall 2016:
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Kelle Groom's poem, "Incurable" appears in Provincetown Arts Magazine:
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Kelle Groom's poem, "Hour," featured on No Tokens:
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Kelle Groom's story, "The Night Hospital," appears in PANK Magazine, Fall 2016.

Kelle Groom's poem, "Taxonomies," appears in Vinyl, August 2016:
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Kelle Groom's panel talk at AWP, Los Angeles: "Blood & Water: Poets Writing Nonfiction" appears on the AGNI blog, July 2016
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Kelle Groom's essay, "Six Ships," appears in BROAD! Magazine, Summer 2016.
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Kelle Groom's poem, "San Juan de la Cruz" featured as a Poem of the Moment at Mass Poetry, Summer 2016
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Kelle Groom's poem, "Incurable" appears in Provincetown Arts Magazine, July 2016.

Kelle Groom's review of Major Jackson's Roll Deep (W.W. Norton 2016) appears in Provincetown Arts Magazine, July 2016.

Kelle Groom's poem, "L'Amoureuse" appears on the back cover of the May/June 2016 issue of American Poetry Review:
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Kelle Groom's poem, "Remind Us Who We Are," is forthcoming in Bennington Review.

Kelle Groom's essay, "Stone Baby" appears in the Spring 2106 issue of Zone 3:
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Kelle Groom's essay, "The Cartographer's Assistant" is a web feature at New Orleans Review
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Three poems by Kelle Groom, "Earth Stars," "My Life is Not a Riding School," and "booby trap," appear in Green Mountains Review:
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Two poems by Kelle Groom, "The Great Nebula of Orion," and "Map of a Woman's Heart," are forthcoming in Salamander.

Kelle Groom's short story, "Emergencies," appears in The Saint Ann's Review, Summer 2016.

Kelle Groom's short story, "25 Reasons to Attend the Gala," is forthcoming in Map Literary.

Kelle Groom's essay, "Destroying Angel" appears in the FIGHT Issue of The Literary Review: An International Review of Contemporary Writing, Vol 59, #1.

Kelle Groom's poem, "Hour," appears in No Tokens Journal, issue #5.

Kelle Groom's poem, "Witnesses," appears in The Puritan, Spring 2016, issue #33:
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Kelle Groom's poem, "Box of Oxygen," appears on Fogged Clarity:
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Kelle Groom’s essay, “How to Cure a Fright” (originally in Bluestem) appears in Creating Nonfiction: 20 Essays and Interviews with the Writers (SUNY Press, June 2016).

Kelle Groom's fourth poetry collection, Spill, will be published by Anhinga Press.

An excerpt from Kelle Groom's new memoir, "How to Cure a Fright," appears in Story Quarterly 49:
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Kelle Groom’s essay, “Journals in Ice” appears in The Common::
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Kelle Groom's poems, "The Lost Museum" and "Goodbye to A" appear in Plume::
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Five poems by Kelle Groom appear in diode::
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Kelle Groom's poem, "Miss Nebraska Dissects a Shark for Science Education," appears in Linebreak:
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Kelle Groom's essay, "Hans Hofmann's House," appears in Brevity:
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Kelle Groom's essay, "Sea Level," appears in Brevity:
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Kelle Groom awarded National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship in Prose:
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Kelle Groom's poem, "Autochrome," appears in the Plume Anthology of Poetry.

Kelle Groom's essay, "Law of Similarity," appears in the Frank Martin Review:
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Kelle Groom's poems, "Solis Dies" and "Story of the Moon" appear in Cleaver:
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Kelle Groom's poems, "flower parade," "The Anti-Suicide Hotel," and "Ode to My Oldsmobile" appear in Zocalo Public Square::
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Kelle Groom's essay, "Woman Under the Washington Street Church," appears in Slice:
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Kelle Groom's essay, "Antibody," appears in Gulf Coast:
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Kelle Groom awarded James Merrill House Fellowship:
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Kelle Groom reading at University of Northern Colorado:
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Kelle Groom reading at Longwood University:
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Kelle Groom's essay, "How to Live with Uncertainty," appears in Ploughshares (Guest Editor, Nick Flynn): [ Read More ]

Kelle Groom interviewed on KNPR's State of Nevada:
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Kelle Groom joins Sierra Nevada College, Lake Tahoe, English Department as Distinguished Writer-in-Residence (2012-2013)

Kelle Groom awarded Summer 2012 residency in Djerassi Resident Artists Program.
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Kelle Groom awarded Ucross Foundation residency for Spring 2012.
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I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl selected as one of Oprah's eight best memoirs that get you through hard times:
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Paperback release of I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl is April 3, 2012
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Library Journal selects I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl for "Best Memoirs of 2011."
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Oxford American selects I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl as an Editor's Pick for Fall 2011
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I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl is a New York Times Book Review Editor's Choice pick
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Kelle Groom joins the faculty of the low-residency MFA Program at Sierra Nevada College, Lake Tahoe.

Kelle Groom awarded BMI - Kluge Fellowship from Black Mountain Institute, University of Nevada-Las Vegas in partnership with the Library of Congress.
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I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl selected for O Magazine's 2011 Summer Reading List.

I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl selected for the Harper's Bazaar "Summer's Reading List" by Nantucket Bookworks.
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Barnes & Noble selected I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl as a Best Book of the Month for June.

I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl Official Book Trailer, directed by Alicia Conway, editing by Ben Rock, produced by Visible Man Productions
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I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl is a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selection for Fall 2011.

I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl receives starred pre-pub review from Library Journal
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Atrium acquires German rights to I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl.

Norstedts acquires Swedish rights to I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl
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My memoir,  I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl, will be released on June 7, 2011.
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I'll be reading from I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl in Massachusetts, New York, and Florida this summer. 
See the Tour/Events page for details.

I was awarded a William Randolph Hearst Foundation Fellowship from the AAS, a national research library in Worcester, MA.
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Five Kingdoms receives a Florida Book Award.
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“San Juan de la Cruz” appears in Alhambra Poetry Calendar 2011: Poetry Anthology.
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Guest Reading for 2011 Blue Flower Arts Winter Writers' Conference at Atlantic Center for Arts, NSB, FL January 13, 2011.
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Reading from Five Kingdoms, Other Words Conference, Flagler College, St. Augustine, Florida, November 5, 2010.
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My guest blog post, “Writing Across Genres” appears in “The Writer’s Life,” September 2010.
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Interview with Danielle Sellers for CDR, August 2010.
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Reading from Five Kingdoms, University of Central Florida Book Festival, Orlando, Florida, April 17, 2010.
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Reading from Five Kingdoms, Fermentation Lounge, Tallahassee, FL, March 22, 2010.
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Reading from Five Kingdoms, UrbanThink Bookstore, Orlando, FL , March 20, 2010.
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Reading from Five Kingdoms, New Smyrna Regional Library, FL, March  7, 2010.

Entertainment Weekly recommends Five Kingdoms in its "Best New Poetry" article, April 9, 2010.
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“Little Wing,” appears on Verse Daily, February 5, 2010.
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Five Kingdoms Book Release Party, Harris House Gallery, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, January 19, 2010.
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Five Kingdoms, my third collection of poems, is released on January 1, 2010.
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My poem, "Oh dont," from Witness is selected for Best American Poetry 2010 by Amy Gerstler.
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“The Face of Jesus” appears in Ploughshares, selected by Guest Editor: Tony Hoagland, Issue #110.
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"How to Make a Shoe" (memoir) from AGNI receives Special Mention in Pushcart Prize XXXIV : Best of the Small Presses (2010 Edition).
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